With over 18 billion tons of asphalt on driveways, highways and virtually every modern road; it's safe to say that asphalt is the defacto pavement solution for travel. For property owners, it's easy to get on the phone and call your local paving company to provide a quote for a new layer of "black stuff." Sure, they'll give you their best price and perform the work...however, you must consider that though they may be good at providing the finished product, perhaps they aren't so great at maintaining it. Over time, your pretty looking parking lot, driveway or loading dock will fade and crack. This will only lead to calling for another quote, which requires another overlay and the continued rinse and repeat. It's a good thing you're here..isn't it.
As mentioned earlier, your local firm can provide a good end product, however, it doesn't end when the last roller drives away. You need to consider having your asphalt maintained regularly. Our approach to asphalt paving may be a tad unorthodox...and we're okay with that. Most firms look at asphalt as a "once & done", where we look at the opportunities to construct, protect and maintain your property all year round. As a member of Strickler Corporation, we're postitioned to provide services exclusively to commercial, municipal and specialty projects without compromising our resources. Can your local paving crew say that?
Asphalt Solutions
Click on the slides below to learn about our offerings.